Faculty News
Qiang Lin's Team Advances Photonic Devices and Quantum Computing
A team of researchers led by , a professor of and optics, recently published impressive new advances in photonic devices and quantum computing.
In a new study in Nature Photonics, the team outlined an important step toward developing computers advanced enough to simulate complex natural phenomena at the quantum level. They developed a new chip-scale optical quantum simulation system that uses a synthetic space that mimics the physical world by controlling the frequency, or color, of quantum entangled photons as time elapses. .
Qiang and his team also recently published a Nature Communications study that describes a new tool for generating microwave signals that could help propel advances in wireless communication, imaging, atomic clocks, and more. They developed a new high-speed tunable microcomb, which Qiang calls “one of the hottest areas of research in nonlinear integrated photonics.” .
Congratulations to Qiang, lead authors Usman Javid ’23 PhD and Yang He ’20 PhD, and all the students involved in the study.