Collaboration between ECE and CS wins Best Paper Award

July 22, 2016

Professor Michael Huang, and ECE PhD student, Raj Parihar, in collaboration with Computer Science Professor Chen Ding and CS PhD student Jacob Brock, won the best paper award at the International Symposium on Memory Management 2016 (Santa Barbara).

This is a good example of not only high-quality research but also collaboration between the ECE and CS combining hardware support and program analysis.

Below is information about the award paper:

"Hardware Support for Protective and Collaborative Cache Sharing", Raj Parihar (ECE),  Jacob Brock (CS), Chen Ding (CS) and Michael C. Huang (ECE and CS)
Abstract: In shared environments and compute clouds, users are often unrelated to each other. In such circumstances, an overall gain in throughput does not justify an individual loss. This paper presents a new cache management technique that allows conservative sharing to protect the cache occupancy for individual programs, yet enable full cache utilization whenever there is an opportunity to do so.