ECE Faculty are Recipients of NSF Funding Aimed at Advancing the Next Generation of Quantum Technologies
Hajim School electrical and computer engineering faculty members are recipients of new National Science Foundation funding aimed at advancing the next generation of quantum technologies.
Qian Lin, an associate professor, is lead PI of a $750,000 to explore and develop high-speed, flexibly reconfigurable, fully integrated quantum photonic circuits that offer unprecedented capability of manipulating, translating, and transducing photonic quantum states, encoding/decoding and processing quantum information. His co-PIs are Hui Wu, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, and Lin Zhu , an associate professor at Clemson.
In addition, Professor Roman Sobolewski will receive $167,000 as co-PI of a — led by PI Marek Osinski, professor at the University of New Mexico — to integrate novel devices for the generation, manipulation, propagation, and detection of single and entangled photons for quantum information processing in a silicon photonics platform that can be used to implement a large-scale quantum communication network.
Congratulations all!
Hajim memo 1008