% Clean up workspace. close all % Close figures. clear % Delete variables. % Simulation parameters w_0 = 20; % Initial wealth. b = 1; % Amount bet at every time. p = 0.55; % Probability of winning. max_t=1000; % Simulation will run for at most max_t iterations. figure; hold on; grid on; xlabel('bet index'); ylabel ('wealth (in $)'); axis([0,max_t,0,200])% create new figure nr_experiments = 100; % number of times a betting sequence is computed. broke = 0; % counter for the number of times the players lost all her money. for experiment = 1:nr_experiments [w, t] = ssas_gambling(w_0, b, p, max_t); % Run martinale experiment; see file "ssas_gambling.m" plot(w); % plot the bet's history if (t < max_t) broke = broke + 1; % Another broken patron. plot(w,'r'); % Plot the bet's history in red. end fprintf('%5.0f \n', experiment) end % Plot average tendency plot( w_0+[1:max_t]*(2*p - b), 'r', 'linewidth', 3 )