Parker Receives University Research Award
Professor Kevin Parker along with UR collaborators Professor Jannick Rolland (Institute of Optics) and Dr. Maiken Nedergaard (Department of Neurosurgery) were recipients of a 2018-19 University Research Award. These seed grants are given annually to promising high-risk projects. The title of their funded research project is "Brain Elastography with Optical Coherence Tomography." Project overview: The rapidly emerging field of brain elastography uses imaging systems to study the biomechanical properties of brain. Preliminary results demonstrate that this can be an important new diagnostic and research tool for neurosciences. This project proposes the highest resolution brain elastography studies using advanced Optical Coherence Tomography techniques on mouse models of normal and diseased brains that parallel human conditions. The goal is to answer the key scientific questions about the sensitivity of brain elastography to regional differences within the brain and to the progression of diseases.
You can read more about this year's URA award recipients .