Parker Lab Represented at IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium
Various members of the Parker Lab and collaborators participated in this year's virtual IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), which took place from September 6-11. The following presentations highlighted the Lab's work:
- J. Ormachea, K.J. Parker, “Shear wave attenuation measurements using reverberant shear wave elastography (R-SWE)” (poster)
- J. Baek, T.A. Swanson, T. Tuthill, K.J. Parker, “Support vector machine (SVM) based liver classification: fibrosis, steatosis, and inflammation” (presentation and )
- G. Flores, J. Ormachea, S.E. Romero, F. Zvietcovich, K.J. Parker, B. Castaneda, “Experimental study to evaluate the generation of reverberant shear wave fields (R-SWF) in homogeneous media” (presentation and )
- L. Basavarajappa, S. Reddy, H. Tai, J. Song, G. Rijal, K.J. Parker, K. Hoyt, “Early assessment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease using multiparametric ultrasound imaging” (presentation and )