
For students interested in pursuing graduate studies related to audio and music engineering, Rochester offers MS and PhD degrees available through the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) with a concentration in music acoustics and signal processing. For more information about these programs visit the ECE graduate overview page. Learn more about .

MS in Electrical Engineering for Current AME Students

Current audio and music engineering (AME) students may choose to earn a MS degree in electrical engineering with as little as two additional semesters of study following completion of the AME BS program.

AME Seniors contemplating graduate work may consider the MS program offered by the ECE department in which students earn a master's degree in electrical engineering with a concentration in music mcoustics and signal processing. This program provides for a smooth transition between undergraduate and graduate study.

Program enrollment is competitive and students must apply for admission before the spring of their senior year. Students may take up to ten credit hours of work in their senior year that can be if not used toward any BS degree requirement. Tuition scholarships for exceptionally qualified students are available for MS students in the EE Graduate Program