News & Events
BME Department makes a record showing at the Biomedical Engineering Society - Student Chapter wins Meritorious Achievement Award
Dozens of UR students and faculty attended the in Pittsburgh, PA from October 7-10. Our group gave 12 oral presentations and presented 17 posters demonstrating work in many areas of the department's research, including imaging, orthopaedics, tissue engineering, neuroengineering, nanotechnology, and cellular mechanics. The work was presented by faculty, graduate students and undergraduates, and also included examples of both translational research and educational outreach programs. The department also hosted an exhibit booth to meet with prospective students and faculty.
The annual meeting also offered numerous activities for students, related to research and career development. Perhaps most exciting was that our student received a Meritorious Achievement Award. This recognizes the best student chapter in the nation for achievements during the last academic year, based on last year's Chapter Development Report.