
finite modelBiomechanics research at the ÌìÃÀÊÓƵ is conducted on multiple levels – from nano-scale molecular interactions between proteins, micro-scale cellular interactions with their extracellular environment, macro-scale mechanics of tissue and systems including joints, circulatory systems among others, all the way up to whole body (organism) dynamics.

Our research integrates concepts and techniques from a wide range of related fields. For example, our researchers collaborate with molecular biologists or experts in biomedical optics to better understand the responses of cells to their surroundings or mechanical environments. Such research is critical in tissue engineering or the design of cellular interfaces with artificial blood vessels.

Similarly, our orthopaedic biomechanics research often involves the use of advanced medical imaging techniques such as MR or microCT to characterize the mechanical properties of bone and cartilage in healthy or diseased joints.

At both the cellular and macroscopic levels, our research also often involves an integration of experimental and computational methods. For example, students may have an opportunity to create an analytical model of cell migration coupled with the ability to validate their predictions using sophisticated optical imaging techniques.

Similar computational models study the flow of cells within the microvasculature, the function of the meniscus in the knee or the integrity of a healing fracture callus, providing an efficient method to expand the findings of related experimental studies.

At the ÌìÃÀÊÓƵ, our biomechanics research does not stop in the laboratory. Instead, many efforts are underway to translate our findings directly into the clinical setting.

Example Research Projects

mechanical testing devicehydrogel culture environmentsbiomechanics2biomechanics3biomechanics4bone repair and regenerationmechanical force and leukocyte adhesion
mechanics of cell cytoplasmcyclic and static loadingfracture healingknee jointknee meniscusknee flexiontargeted drug delivery
local delivery of therapeuticsmicro-fluidics in the inner earmodels of skeletal disease and traumaMR imagingorgan of cortipolymer-drug complexessingle molecule force spectroscopy
tissue engineeringanalysis of children's gaitfemoral condyle achilles tendon

Current Researchers

Musculoskeletal tissue engineering
Viscoelasticity in soft biological tissues; soft tissue aging, disease and repair
Dynamic systems, measurement and control, and the exploration of single-molecule mechanics
Cherice N.Hill, PhDMulti-scale biomechanics of the human temporomandibular and lower extremity joints with a particular focus on diverse populations
Rebecca Irwin, PhDMechanobiology, structure-function relationships, soft tissue mechanics, intravital multiphoton microscopy, regenerative therapies
Orthopaedic biomechanics, bone growth and development, knee biomechanics
Cell adhesion, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of biological membranes
Cell motility, and quantitative light microscopy
Biophysics of inner ear sensory cells, cell mechanics
Computational solid and structural mechanics
Pro-inflammatory cytokine signal transduction and novel drug and gene therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Cell adhesion, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of biological membranes; cellular mechanics and function of cytoskeletal proteins