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BME Students Win Prestigious International da Vinci Award

April 14, 2013

The team of Biomedical Engineering undergraduate students who participated in the prestigious  has won a !

The award recognizes the best student team across all categories among all the applicants around the world. Winning the award is a great honor for team members, Sara Hutchinson, Martin Szeto, David Narrow, Jackson Block, and Dominic Marino. The students developed their device as a BME senior-year design project, under the guidance of professors Laurel Carney and Amy Lerner at the Hajim School, and then chose to persue it as a business after graduation.

The team developed the , which enables riders to steer, brake, and shift gears on a recumbent tricycle with one hand.

"The system allows people with disabilities to overcome a barrier they face on a daily basis,said Sara Hutchinson, one of the student innovators. "It's our hope that they can forget about their disability for a while and just enjoy the freedom of riding a cycle."