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CVEL Awarded CTSI/UNYTE Pilot Collaborative Research Grant

May 16, 2013

The URMC Cardiovascular Engineering Lab (CVEL) has been awarded the 2013 . The project, entitled, Regional Ultrasound Wall Strain Measurements to Predict Risk of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) rupture, is led by PI's , , , and 

UNYTE offers a pilot funding program open to investigators at research institutions across the Upstate region. The objective of the program is to catalyze the formation of multi-institutional, cross-disciplinary research teams that are focused on a critical issue in clinical or translational research. To receive funding, projects must involve collaboration from at least two UNYTE member institutions. Applicants are strongly encouraged to develop an innovative, team-based approach that reflects the research strengths of the participating institutions, as well as of the investigators themselves.