BME Professors Receive 2024 University Research Awards
Last week, the Office of the Vice President for Research announced seven Hajim School researchers will receive .
These are awarded to recipients who demonstrate how their projects will provide impact in their research areas, with a high probability of being leveraged by future external funding.
We are very pleased to announce that the Department of Biomedical Engineering had six URA recipients:
- Diane Dalecki, Kevin J. Parker Distinguished Professor in Biomedical Engineering
Characterization of Tissue Microstructure using Quantitative Ultrasound
Collaborators: Ajay Anand, Institute for Data Science; David Mitten, Orthopaedics; Nicole Wilson, Surgery; Sara Wayson, Surgery; Jeff Lillie, Orthopaedics - Regine Choe, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering
& Steve McAleavey, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering, Chair of Biomedical Engineering
Development of Integrated Diffuse Optical and Ultrasound Imaging System for Breast Cancer Therapy
Collaborators: Ajay Dhakal, Medicine - Ed Lalor, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
The Neural Mechanisms of Everyday Speech Processing and Interpersonal Communication in Neurotypical and Autistic Individuals
Collaborators: Elise Piazza, Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences; Emily Knight, Department of Pediatrics - Mark Buckley, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Towards Prevention of Accidental Trauma to Tissues By Surgical Tools - , Senior Scientist in Biomedical Engineering
Lung Microbubble Chips for Antifibrotic Drug Discovery
Collaborators: Lisa DeLouise, Dermatology; Gloria Pryhuber, Pediatrics
The principal aim of the University Research Award (URA) program is to provide seed money to enable the development of new, innovative research projects with a high probability of attracting external support in the short term. Proposals that seek to establish or further develop new collaborations and multidisciplinary research teams will be favorably received. Recipients of a URA are expected to show that they have applied for external funding within 18 months of the end of their URA project period.
Related Links...
- Hajim Highlights - email 0603
- BME Department's social media accounts: