Samantha Romanick Discusses Ongoing Research of Microplastics on WXXI & EARTHDAY.ORG
Samantha Romanick, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher in the studying microplastics, was recently featured on WXXI's Connections with Evan Dawson, and in an EARTHDAY.ORG event.
WXXI's Connections with Evan Dawson posed the question, "If you had to stop using plastic for a month, could you do it?", and Dr. Romanick was one of several experts discussing the topic. The conversation comes as discussions about the ramp up and as activists advocate for people to attempt a “Plastic Free July.” Dr. Romanick provides insight into some of the latest research around biodegradable plastics and offers helpful tips for ways to reduce your reliance on plastic products. .
Dr. Romanick aslo was featured in an event titled,"22 Minutes with Samantha Romanick - Burning Man, Microplastics & Zero Waste". In this installment of "22 Minutes With...", Earthday.Org's Great Global Cleanup Coordinator, Michael Karapetian, sits down with Samantha Romanick, PhD, to discuss her ongoing study of microplastics at Burning Man. She delves into her fascinating research on the world-renowned "leave no trace" desert festival and explains how her findings influence our understanding of the spread of micro- and nanoplastics. Dr. Romanick also shares her journey to becoming zero-waste and offers tips on how to live a plastic-free lifestyle.
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