"Second-generation dual scan mammoscope with photoacoustic, ultrasound, and elastographic imaging capabilities"
November 19, 2021
Congratulations to Professor Doyley and PhD candidates Enan Kabir and Soumya Goswami on the publication of the journal article titled "Second-generation dual scan mammoscope with photoacoustic, ultrasound, and elastographic imaging capabilities." University at Buffalo co-authors include Dr. Jun Xia, Emily Zheng, and Huijuan Zhang. This article appears in in Frontiers in Oncology and describes collaborative research funded by the National Institutes of Health (grant number ). The abstract appears below and more information can be found .
Abstract: We recently developed the photoacoustic dual-scan mammoscope (DSM), a system that images the patient in standing pose analog to X-ray mammography. The system simultaneously acquires three-dimensional photoacoustic and ultrasound (US) images of the mildly compressed breast. Here, we describe a second-generation DSM (DSM-2) system that offers a larger field of view, better system stability, higher ultrasound imaging quality, and the ability to quantify tissue mechanical properties. In the new system, we doubled the field of view through laterally shifted round-trip scanning. This new design allows coverage of the entire breast tissue. We also adapted precisely machined holders for the transducer-fiber bundle sets. The new holder increased the mechanical stability and facilitated image registration from the top and bottom scanners. The quality of the US image is improved by increasing the firing voltage and the number of firing angles. Finally, we incorporated quasi-static ultrasound elastography to allow comprehensive characterization of breast tissue. The performance of the new system was demonstrated through in vivo human imaging experiments. The experimental results confirmed the capability of the DSM-2 system as a powerful tool for breast imaging.