
"A Power Law Reconstruction of Ultrasound Backscatter Images"

August 31, 2024

A manuscript written by Professor Kevin Parker titled "A power law reconstruction of ultrasound backscatter images" has been published in Acoustics. The abstract follows; more information can be found .

Abstract: Ultrasound B-scan images are traditionally formed from the envelope of the received radiofrequency echoes, but the image texture is dominated by granular speckle patterns. Longstanding efforts at speckle reduction and deconvolution have been developed to lessen the detrimental aspects of speckle. However, we now propose an alternative approach to estimation (and image rendering) of the underlying fine grain scattering density of tissues based on power law constraints. The key steps are a whitening of the spectrum of the received signal while conforming to the original envelope shape and statistics, followed by a power law filtering in accordance with the known scattering behavior of tissues. This multiple step approach results in a high-spatial-resolution map of scattering density that is constrained by the most important properties of scattering from tissues. Examples from in vivo liver scans are shown to illustrate the change in image properties from this framework.