Image Science and Systems

Quantum Imaging

Professor Boyd is interested in the phenomenon of “quantum imaging,” that is, the use of quantum states of light to perform image formation with increased spatial resolution and sensitivity.

Phase Retrieval and Imaging Science (PRAISE)

The Phase Retrieval and Imaging Science Group conducts research into obtaining improved performance in imaging systems and measuring wavefronts by computational means, for a variety of imaging modalities. Improved imaging is accomplished by restoration algorithms applied to blurred images. Unconventional imaging approaches include lensless imaging from diffracted light using coherent radiation and image reconstruction by a phase retrieval algorithm, and imaging interferometry with sparse arrays of telescopes. The aberrations due to atmospheric turbulence or of optical systems are determined by phase retrieval and phase diversity algorithms. Intentional de-phasing of multi-telescope arrays is used to obtain spatial-spectral data cubes.

Biomedical Spectroscopy

Professor Andrew Berger

The Biomedical Spectroscopy Laboratory conducts experiments in the growing field of biomedical optics. Across the world, researchers in biomedical optics study a wide range of problems, from subcellular to human-scale, from ultraviolet to infrared, from diagnostic to therapeutic. Professor Berger's group focuses on developing diagnostic tests that identify how much of various chemicals are present in biological materials. This interest relates to a variety of medical topics, including urine chemical content, fungal skin infection, oral bacteria identification, and brain activity.