104 Goergen Hall, BME Undergraduate Educational Lab

What happens in this laboratory?

Students use this lab to learn how to make measurements, use equipment typically found in biomedical research and industrial environments, build instrumentation, and observe physiological systems in action.

When do students use this lab?

Undergraduate students start using this laboratory during the fall semester of their first-year during BME 101: Intro to Biomedical Engineering and continue learning in the lab all the way through the capstone design sequence of their senior year.

Department of Biomedical Engineering

The Undergraduate Educational Laboratory is housed in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, which offers a BS degree program accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, as well as an MS and PhD in biomedical engineering.

Ready to become a biomedical engineer? Then come join our hands-on student body and get everything you need to become a well-rounded, career-ready engineer.