2003 Publications

  1. Near-infrared breast tomography calibration with optoelastic tissue simulating phantoms.
    Shudong Jiang, B. W. Pogue, Troy O. McBride, M. M. Doyley, and Keith D. Paulsen
    J. Electron. Imaging 12, 613 (2003).
  2. Thresholds for detecting and characterizing focal lesions using steady-state MR elastography.
    M. M. Doyley, John B. Weaver, E. E. Van Houten, F. E. Kennedy, and Keith D. Paulsen
    Med Phys. 30(4) , pp. 495 -504  (2003).
  3. Initial in vivo experience with steady-state subzone-based MR elastography of the human breast.
    E. E. Van Houten, M. M. Doyley, F. E. Kennedy, John B. Weaver, and Keith D. Paulsen
    J Magn Reson Imaging. 17(1) , pp. 72 -85  (2003).