2017 Publications

  1. Elastographic assessment of xenograft pancreatic tumors
    H. Wang, M. D. Nieskoski, K. Marra, J. Gunn, B. S. Trembly, B. W. Pogue, and M. M. Doyley
    Ultrasound Med BIol 43(12) , pp. 2891 -2903  (2017).
  2. Model-based vascular elastography improves the detection of flow-induced carotid artery remodeling in mice
    V. A. Korshunov, H. Wang, R. Ahmed, D. M. Mickelsen, Q. Zhou, C. Yan, and M. M. Doyley
    Sci Rep 7 , pp. 12081-1 -12081-12  (2017).
  3. Collagen complexity spatially defines micro regions of total tissue pressure in pancreatic cancer
    M. D. Nieskoski, K. Marra, J. Gunn, P. J. Hoopes, M. M. Doyley, T. Hasan, B. S. Trembly, and B. W. Pogue
    Sci Rep 7 , pp. 10093-1 -10093-12  (2017).
  4. Combining subharmonic and ultraharmonic modes for intravascular ultrasound imaging: a preliminary evaluation
    Himanshu Shekhar, J. Rowan, and M. M. Doyley
    Ultrasound Med Biol 43(11) , pp. 2725 -2732  (2017).
  5. Noninvasive carotid artery elastography using multielement synthetic aperture imaging: phantom and in vivo validation
    Rohit Nayak, G. Schifitto, and M. M. Doyley
    Med Phys 44(8) , pp. 4068 -4082  (2017).
  6. Revisiting the Cramér Rao lower bound for elastography: predicting the performance of axial, lateral and polar strain elastograms
    P. Verma and M. M. Doyley
    Ultrasound Med Biol 43(9) , pp. 1780 -1796  (2017).
  7. Separation of solid stress from interstitial fluid pressure in pancreas cancer correlates with collagen area fraction
    M. D. Nieskoski, K. Marra, J. Gunn, S. C. Kanick, M. M. Doyley, T. Hasan, S. P. Pereira, B. S. Trembly, and B. W. Pogue
    J Biomech Eng 139(6) , pp. 061002-1 -061002-8  (2017).
  8. Principal strain vascular elastography: simulation and preliminary clinical evaluation
    Rohit Nayak, Steven Huntzicker, Jacques Ohayon, Nancy Carson, Vikram Dogra, G. Schifitto, and M. M. Doyley
    Ultrasound Med Biol 43(3) , pp. 682 -699  (2017).