2021 Publications

  1. Second-generation dual scan mammoscope with photoacoustic, ultrasound, and elastographic imaging capabilities
    E. Zheng, H. Zhang, S. Goswami, I. E. Kabir, M. M. Doyley, and J. Xia
    Front Oncol 11 , pp. 779071-1 -779071-8  (2021).
  2. Enabling quantitative robot-assisted compressional elastography via the extended Kalman filter
    M. E. Napoli, S. Goswami, S. A. McAleavey, M. M. Doyley, and T. M. Howard
    Phys Med Biol 66(22) , pp. 225014-1 -225014-23  (2021).
  3. Single-shell NODDI using dictionary-learner-estimated isotropic volume fraction
    A. Faiyaz, M. M. Doyley, G. Schifitto, J. Zhong, and M. N. Uddin
    NMR Biomed 35(2) , pp. e4628-1 -e4628-17  (2021).
  4. A robust and fast method for 2-D shear wave speed calculation
    H, K. Lee, D. Kong, K. Choi, R. Mislati, and M. M. Doyley
    IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control 68(7) , pp. 2351 -2360  (2021).